Nautilus - No, Animals Do Not Have Gender, by Cailin O'Conner.
Nautilus - No, Animals Do Not Have Gender, by Cailin O'Conner.
The Bahai World - Technology, Values, and the Shaping of Social Reality, by Matt Weinberg.
Technological change is inherent to human progress. Technology, by definition, serves to augment human capacities and in so doing alters the environment in which we act. In a very real way, social reality and technology co-evolve or are co-constructed.
First Things - The Road to Condoning Cannibalism, by Justin Lee
First Things - My Ten (Or So) Favorite Cultural Critics, by Bruce Riley Ashford.
AG Daily - Celebrate Beef Month During May with a Virtual Ranch Tour
Did you know that May is Beef Month? To celebrate, Kansas Beef highlights a Kansas rancher and how he operates his feedyard with great practices. Join rancher, father, husband, and feedyard owner Isaac Carr on a virtual ranch tour. You’ll get a glimpse into his low-stress cattle-handling techniques, how he feeds his cattle, and a few conversations on what it’s like to be married to a rancher.
National Review - The Global Fertility Crisis, by Lyman Stone. South Korea recently denied draft exemptions for members of the K-pop boy band and international sensation BTS. BTS is one of South Korea’s most dynamic economic and cultural exports, worth about $4.65 billion annually to the South Korean economy.
Plough - Save Your Sympathy, by John Thornton Jr. If “the personal is political,” then so is the psychological. That was the discovery of Jonathan Foiles, a therapist at a mental health clinic in Chicago. When in training to become a social worker, he found that his favorite aspect of the job was helping homeless clients – so when, in graduate school, he had to choose between a mental health and a policy track, he picked the one that seemed to offer that same individualized opportunity to make a difference.
The Evolution Institute - Blueprint for the Global Village, by David Sloan Wilson & Dag Olav Hessen.
Life consists of units within units. In the biological world, we have genes, individuals, groups, species, and ecosystems – all nested within the biosphere. In the human world, we have genes, individuals, families, villages and cities, provinces, and nations – all nested within the global village.
Science Advances - Cultural selection shapes network structure, by Marco Smiolla and Eroil Akcay.
Bloomberg - Globalization Isn’t Dying, It’s Just Evolving, by Shawn Donnan and Lauren Leatherby.
U.S. President Donald Trump’s populist assault on globalization has provoked fears of the death—or the slowing—of the economic force that has arguably done more than any other to shape how we live today. Yet those fears ignore what globalization really is, and how it is evolving.
Crisis Magazine - Dust or Humus? The Advent of Human Composting, by John M. Grondelski. Christians have just completed Lent, which begins on Ash Wednesday with the tracing of ashen crosses on foreheads and the formula “Remember, man, that you are dust and to dust you shall return.”
The Catholic Report - Ideal Societies and the Caholic Vision, by James Kalb.
TED Talks - The Second Coming, by William Butler Yeats. Directed by Eoin Duffy and music by Cypher Audio.
This animation is part of the TED-Ed series, "There's a Poem for That," which features animated interpretations of poems both old and new that give language to some of life's biggest feelings.
Brain Pickings - The More Loving One, by Maria Popova. Astrophysicist Janna Levin reads W.H. Auden’s sublime ode to our unrequited love for the universe. - I and Thou; a book by Martin Buber.
The Christian Century - What greed looks like, by Charles Scriven. Book review of, Power, Pleasure and Profit; writen by David Wootton.
YouTube - A Deeper Look, with Marty Wasserman.
A James Hillman interview on the 1993 release of Hillman's book 'We've Had a Hundred Years of Psychotherapy — And the World's Getting Worse'
National Review - Jean Vanier on the Importance of a ‘Healthy Belonging’; by Kathryn Jean Lopez
YouTube - The first part of Rebel Wisdom's exclusive interview with psychologist and professor Jordan Peterson - where he talks in depth about his understanding of mysticism, religion and the challenge of integrating the shadow.
The Public Dicourse - Elizabeth Anscombe’s Philosophy of the Human Person, by Michael Wee.
Elizabeth Anscombe’s philosophical investigation of man’s spiritual nature offers a much-needed antidote to the materialism of our times. For Anscombe, to search for the spiritual is not to look somewhere obscure, but to look at the everyday facts of human life, institutions, and history.
Darius Foroux - Why I Stopped Being Busy - Do you know that feeling of being so busy that time flies with a blink of an eye?... But being busy is not a good thing at all.
National Review - At Barnard, Euripides’s Herakles Comes to Life in the Original Greek; by Mary Spencer